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Can I Eat The Skin Of Butternut Squash?

Many people love butternut squash because it can be used in many ways and is good for you. It’s often used in soups, purees, and roasted foods because it tastes sweet and nutty and has a creamy texture.

But when people talk about how to cook butternut squash, they often ask, “Can you eat the skin?”

In this article we will talk about the health benefits and nutritional benefits of butternut squash skin. It will give you all the knowledge you need to make the best choice for your meals.

Can I Eat The Skin Of Butternut Squash?

Yes, you can eat butternut squash skin. Butternut squash skin is perfectly edible and safe to eat, and it softens after heating, making it simpler to chew and digest.

It imparts a moderately earthy flavor and a slightly different texture than the meat, which some people enjoy.

Furthermore, butternut squash skin includes important elements such as dietary fiber, vitamins (including A and C), and minerals (such as potassium and magnesium).

Nutritional Information For Butternut Squash

Butternut squash contains high levels of vitamin A, fiber, and vitamin C. The USDA provides the nutrition information listed below.1

  • 82 calories
  • Fat: 0.2g
  • 8mg sodium
  • 21.5g carbohydrate
  • Fiber: 6.6g
  • 4g sugars
  • 1.8g protein
  • 1140mcg of vitamin A
  • 31mg vitamin C


A 1-cup serving of cooked butternut squash contains only 82 calories, the majority of which are carbohydrates (21.5 grams).

Butternut squash is high in dietary fiber, supplying up to 24% of your daily requirements. Adults should consume between 22 and 34 grams of fiber per day, depending on age and gender.

This squash is high in nutritious carbs and has a low glycemic index of 51.3 when boiling, making it a filling option that most people can add into their diet on a daily basis.


Because it has nearly little fat, butternut squash is an excellent choice for persons on low-fat diets. 


Per serving, butternut squash has 1.8 grams of protein. To achieve your daily protein requirements, you would need to supplement with different protein sources. Dried or roasted squash seeds include protein as well and can be a full and nutrient-dense snack. 

Minerals And Vitamins

Butternut squash is a high-quality source of vitamin A, with a single serving supplying more than the adult daily needs. Vitamin A is required for appropriate organ function and eyesight. It is also a good source of thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, and pantothenic acid, as well as an excellent source of vitamin C.

Calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and manganese are among the minerals found in butternut squash.


One cup of diced, cooked butternut squash (205g) contains 82 calories, with carbs accounting for 90% of the calories, protein accounting for 8%, and fat accounting for 25%.

Health Benefits Of Butternut Squash

Because it has nutrients, adding butternut squash to your meal plan may be good for your health in some ways.

May Help Prevent Vision Loss

A vitamin called vitamin A is very important for keeping your eyes healthy. There is a type of vitamin A in butternut squash called beta carotene that is very good for your eyes.

A type of vision loss that happens more often as people age is called age-related macular degeneration. Eating foods or taking vitamins with beta carotene may help stop this condition.

There is also a lot of vitamin C in butternut squash, some vitamin E, and not much iron. A 35% drop in age-related macular degeneration was linked to getting more vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, and zinc than the normal person.

May Reduce The Risk Of Some Cancers

It’s possible that the vitamin A in butternut squash can also help keep you from getting some types of cancer.

The vitamin helps control how cells grow and change into different types. Beta carotene has been linked to a lower chance of getting prostate and lung cancer in some studies.

Researchers have looked into the link between beta carotene and lung cancer in smokers, but they have come to different conclusions.

And there is some evidence that getting more vitamin A may lower your chance of getting prostate cancer.

Still, it’s not clear what the link is between vitamin A and the risk of cancer, and getting too much vitamin A might be bad for you.

May Reduce The Risk Of Measles

The United States no longer has a lot of measles, but it still kills people in some poor countries. Not getting enough vitamin A makes you more likely to get serious measles.

Vitamin A deficiency is less likely to happen if you eat things that are high in vitamin A or take a vitamin A supplement.

Reduces Chronic Disease Risk

Researchers have picked out certain fruits and veggies that they call “powerhouses.” Collagen is the major protein in your skin, and it cannot be produced in the absence of vitamin C.

These foods have more nutrients that your body can use, like vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, and others. Winter squash, like acorn and butternut squash, were on the list.

Some hormones are also made with the help of the vitamin C in butternut squash. Neurodegenerative diseases that are caused by high amounts of oxidative stress may be helped by vitamin C.

Because it has polyphenolic compounds that reduce inflammation, squash has been shown to help lower the chance of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Helps Skin Health

One cup of butternut squash has up to 34% of the daily suggested amount of vitamin C, making it a great food for getting that vitamin.

Collagen is the major protein in your skin, and it cannot be produced in the absence of vitamin C. It also helps protect antioxidants against damage caused by UV light.

Putting vitamin C on the skin is sometimes done. According to the authors of one study, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables has been associated to healthy skin in a number of well-conducted intervention trials.

The specific part of the fruits and vegetables that is thought to be helpful has not yet been found, but the amount of vitamin C present may play a role.

Finally, yes, you can eat the skin of a butternut squash. It’s healthy, safe, and provides a unique texture to your recipes. Whether you leave the skin on or remove it depends on your own preference and the recipe you’re making. So, the next time you make a hearty butternut squash meal, don’t be afraid to include the skin for added taste and nutritional value.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find it helpful.

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