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How Many Calories In A Tin Of Red Kidney Beans?

Red kidney beans are a flexible and nutritious ingredient to a variety of recipes, including chili and salads.

If you’re watching your calorie consumption or following a certain diet, knowing how many calories are in a can of red kidney beans is critical.

In this article, we’ll look at the calorie count and nutritional value of these beans.

How Many Calories In A Tin Of Red Kidney Beans?

When drained, a conventional 15-ounce (425-gram) can of canned red kidney beans provides around 400-450 calories.

It is important to note, however, that the exact calorie count may vary significantly depending on the brand and method of preparation.

Check the nutrition label on the tin of red kidney beans you’re using for the most up-to-date information.

Other Nutritional Facts


Kidney beans are a low-calorie food that has a good amount of complex carbs. Kidney beans include three types of carbohydrates.

Starch accounts for the majority of the carbohydrate in kidney beans. Starches deliver fast energy to the body. Kidney beans contain a trace of naturally occurring sugar.

The remaining carbs in kidney beans are fiber (almost 6 grams in a half-cup serving). Fiber aids in blood sugar stabilization, satiety, and digestive health.

Kidney beans have a GI of approximately 24.3. As a guideline, foods having a GI of 55 or less are considered low glycemic. A 100-gram portion of kidney beans has a glycemic load of around 9.

Glycemic load estimates the influence of food on blood sugar by taking the serving size into consideration, and a glycemic load of less than 10 is expected to have little effect on blood glucose response.


A half-cup portion of kidney beans contains less than one gram of fat, making them a naturally low-fat food.

The majority of that modest quantity of fat is polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, which are both healthful.


Kidney beans contain roughly 8 grams of plant protein per half-cup serving. As a result, many vegans and vegetarians supplement their protein intake with kidney beans or other types of legumes.

Kidney beans, on the other hand, do not provide a complete protein. Complete proteins include all of the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and must thus be obtained through diet.

You must also consume whole grains or seeds in order to obtain all essential amino acids.

Minerals And vitamins

A 100-gram (just over half a cup) portion of cooked kidney beans provides 33% of your daily folate requirements. This B vitamin aids in the synthesis of red blood cells and has other health advantages.

The same meal also contains thiamin (11% of your daily requirements) and lower quantities of vitamin K (10%), B6 (6%), C, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid.

Phosphorus (14%) and manganese (22%), a vitamin that regulates the neurological system and supports brain and bone health, are among the minerals found in kidney beans. Copper (11%), potassium (12%), magnesium (10%), and iron (12%) are also beneficial.

Health Advantages

Nutritionists often recommend beans as part of a healthy diet because they are so good for you. Like other beans, kidney beans can be thought of as both a source of protein and a veggie.

A half-cup of beans every day can help improve overall health. People who eat beans on a daily basis consume less fat and saturated fat while consuming more fiber, folate, iron, protein, and other vital minerals, according to one study.

Other health advantages of kidney beans include:

Improve Your Heart’s Health

Beans may be good for your health if you eat them instead of meat or other high-cholesterol nutrition sources. Getting your cholesterol numbers down is one way to lower your risk of heart disease and make your heart healthier.

Kidney beans are one of the best types of beans to use as a source of protein because they have about the same amount of fiber and protein as other beans but less fat and fatty fat. 

Avoid Colon Cancer

According to research, those who regularly consume common beans, such as kidney beans, are less likely to acquire colon cancer.

Nondigestible fiber in common beans regulates cell proliferation in the colon, which may help minimize the chance of developing colon cancer. More research is needed to determine exactly how this mechanism operates.

Blood Sugar Control

Beans have a low glycemic index, therefore they do not produce blood sugar rises when consumed. They can also help lessen the effects of things that make your blood sugar go up.

Kidney beans or other common beans, for example, can be consumed with rice to delay the rate at which the rice digests.

Weight Control 

Many people struggle with dieting, particularly when attempting to follow a low-carbohydrate diet. A meal high in fiber could be a different way to lose weight.

Since fiber is filling, it can help people feel fuller for longer, which can keep them from eating too much.

Research shows that eating beans as part of a high-fiber diet may help people who are trying to lose weight. 

Understanding the calorie composition of red kidney beans is essential for following a healthy diet. With 400-450 calories in a normal tin, these beans make a healthful and low-calorie addition to a range of recipes. Utilize their health benefits and variety to prepare delicious and nutritious meals.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find it helpful.

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